Professional Commitment

Training and Certifications

Both Lori and Deb are committed to professional development to continually enrich their expertise and skills. They have pursued educational opportunities to expand their scientific knowledge base, enhance their writing and editing skills, and explore new media technology.

Lori and Deb have each earned a core certificate from the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA), representing participation in a series of workshops on editing, writing, and ancillary topics. In addition, Lori and Deb have remained current in their knowledge and skills in software programs, technology, and social media.


Training has included the following:

  • CME Training for Medical Writers (10-module online course) (Lori)
  • Science of Summarizing Peer-Reviewed Data (1-day workshop) (Lori)
  • Writing Test Items (1-day workshop) (Lori)
  • Manuscript Central, ScholarOne University (Deb)
  • Hootsuite University (Deb)


Certificates and Certifications

  • AMWA Core and Advanced Certificates (Deb and Lori)
  • ScholarOne Manuscripts Professional Certification (Deb)
  • Board of Editors in the Life Sciences Certification (Lori)
  • Medical Writer Certified™ (Lori)


Involvement in Professional Organizations

As members of several professional associations, including the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA) and Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA), Lori and Deb continually expand their professional skills and network with other medical communication specialists to ensure that their clients receive outstanding services.



Lori is extensively involved in the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA), the premiere organization for medical communicators. After serving as Editor of the AMWA Journal for 10 years, Lori stepped down and was awarded the title Editor Emeritus. Since then, she has served on the AMWA Executive Committee and is the 2016-2017 AMWA President. She has been active on a variety of national committees and task forces.

Lori is also a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association and the Center for Plain Language.



Deb has been a member of AMWA for more than 25 years and has served on its Executive Committee, most recently overseeing AMWA’s publications program. She has been a member of several national committees and also served as the AMWA Florida Chapter President.

Deb is also a member of the Independent Book Publishers Association, the Council of Science Editors, and the American Society for Indexing.